Getting it right with third-party management
Part of your routine business operations is to deal with third-party vendors, implying that vendor risk management should be at the forefront of security program development. Our team of experts will help you verify that your third-party suppliers and providers comply with specific regulations and standards so as not to negatively impact your business.
- When it comes to third-party risk management, our trusted vCISO experts are here to help you deliver the core cybersecurity protection that your organization needs.
- When you work with us for your vCISO needs, we will guide and manage your vendor-related risks to help you stay competitive.
- Our vendor management strategies span a spectrum of topics including written contracts, metrics reporting, and relationship building among others in managing the risk vendors bring to the table.
- The team of experts from AbriteLogic provides strategic vendor management to help organizations safeguard their data and assets while supporting routine business operations.

“Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.”
~Alexander the Great~

Our Key Considerations For Third-Pary Oversight
Our trusted consultant will gather and review security documentation for your 3rd-party vendors by incorporating a risk-based approach to understanding your business, identifying your risks, and implementing measures that mitigate those risks. We will help you with relevant 3rd-party considerations regarding implementing appropriate security controls, having qualified personnel in place, and instituting contingency planning for the timely recovery of your IT systems.
The ability to implement vendor risk management as a business strategy ensures that vendors’ cybersecurity is vetted and managed for prospective clients, partners, and would-be investors, as well as the overall security posture of an organization.

Security Controls
- Examining the types of security controls that are in place
- Assessing 3rd-party vendor SOC2 reports
- Analyzing the vendor’s cybersecurity risk
- Monitoring the vendor’s security controls
- Evaluating security awareness training program by the vendor

Qualified Personnel
- Verifying the qualifications of the vendor’s personnel
- Checking the qualifications of the 3rd-party vendor
- Ensuring and validating vendor performance expectations and security requirements

Contingency Planning
- Ensuring that incident response plans and business continuity planning (BCP) have been established and tested by the vendor
- Verify the existence of disaster recovery planning (DRP)
- Examining risk management plans of the 3rd-party vendor

The Benefits Of Our Vendor Services
We want to help you understand how our client-focused 3rd-party services can benefit your organization. Working with a team of vCISO with executive-level expertise, you can count on us to obtain the benefits of our advisory services with highly specialized security talents.
We understand that security strategies work best when they are risk-based and business-driven.
Selected list of client-focused services:
- Overseeing the key items to consider when implementing your third-party risk management program with a defined life-cycle from planning to the selection, negotiation, monitoring, termination, and closing thoughts.
- Understanding the 3rd-party threat landscape and assessing and analyzing the cybersecurity risks.
- Monitoring vendor’s security controls and vendor access to critical data.
- Evaluating 3rd-party cybersecurity policies, guidelines, and procedures.
- Determining if the vendor regularly conducts security awareness training as control measures.
- Determining the most severely impacting threats to the organization.
Why Chose Our Third-Party Services?
The following is the scope of our key 3rd-party responsibilities related to service offering and why you should count on us to meet your needs:
- Conducting vigorous, systematic, and regular due diligence on third-party ecosystems that support and sustain the third party’s operations.
- Providing leadership on the third party’s incident response, disaster recovery, and business continuity.
- Providing expert advice and assessment on strategic security planning, security threats, and compliance requirements.
- Holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards and treating all clients with dignity and respect.
- Providing consultation to develop an effective cybersecurity program and facilitate its integration into your business strategy, process, and culture.
- Remaining passionate about fast and quality deliverables throughout our service delivery cycle and ensuring that project deliverables conform to quality standards while exceeding expectations.
- Claiming ownership for the results of our actions and expertise; therefore, we understand that maintaining consistent and effective communication is the key to a successful engagement.